
Manikkath Brahmarakshas Kshetram (locally known as NAMBOORISSAN) is the only temple in Kerala with Brahmarakshas as the main deity with SHASTHAV & BALA BHADRAKALI  in the same sreekovil,as upa devatas. The temple is owned and managed by MANIKKATH family, one of the ancient and prominent Nair family of Cochin. The origin of the temple dates back to the latter half of the 19th Century. The temple is situated on RAVIPURAM ROAD in between VALANJAMBALAM BHAGAVATHY TEMPLE and RAVIPURAM SREE KRISHNA TEMPLE.Adjoining the temple a SARPPAKAVU with NAGARAJAVU and NAGAYAKSHI are also situated in lush green surroundings. The Sarpakavu was renovated and the punapratishta was performed by the famousPambummekkatu illom.




One day during the 19th century a Nampoothiri with divine powers with Shasthav and Badharakali as his upasana murthees sought asylum in a home belonging to a member of the Manikkath family. He was granted asylum by the head of the family and lived in a padippura maalika doing his regular pujas .After his arrival the Manikkath family prospered. Some people who were jealous of the prosperity hatched a plan to bring ruin to the family and attacked the family members. The Nampoothiri rushed to the defense of the family and with his divine powers he resisted the attackers. Unable to withstand the attackers, as a last resort he sacrificed his life to help the family who had given him asylum As he had died an unnatural death he became a BRAHMARAKSHAS. Astrologers were consulted and as was the custom his soul was sanctified and along with his upasana murthees was consecrated in a temple where a monthly pooja during samkramam was performed.

The temple was almost in ruins due to the ravages of time, and it was decided to renovate the temple. Accordingly in the year 2004 an ashtamangala prasnam was conducted where it was decided to renovate the temple.  The Manikkath family members and the public enthusiastically participated in this and the temple was renovated.  After conducting all the ritualistic and purificatory homams and pujas the temple was dedicated to the benefit of the devotees. Daily pujas are being conducted both in the temple and the sarppakavu.

Later on a BHAKTHA JANA BHAJANA MANDAPAM was constructed where regular programmes are being conducted